Paxar 9450 Printer User Manual

Index - 2 TC9450PM Rev. C 8/11/98
Print, 3-10
Request Printer Status, 3-17
Select Printer Operation Mode, 3-9
Set Supply Length, 3-7
Sleep Mode, 3-18
Continuous mode
description, 3-9
command syntax, 3-3
response syntax, 4-1
Custom fonts, 2-3
Darkening print, 3-20
Data streams
creating, 1-11
downloading, 1-12
Decrementing fields, 2-2
Define Field command (^R), 3-11
Define Format command (^T), 3-19
Delete Batches command (^F), 3-6
with wide not zero, 7-2
with wide of zero, 7-4
EAN 13 bar codes, 2-3
EAN 13+5 bar codes, 2-3
EAN 8 bar codes, 2-3
Error recovery sample, 5-3
Field data, specifying, 2-6
Field types, 2-1
bar code, 2-3
graphic, 2-5
line, 2-5
text, 2-1
decrementing, 2-2
defining fields, 1-5
description, 2-1
incrementing, 2-2
Flow control, 3-4
Font Download command ({W), 3-20
CG Triumvirate Bold, 2-2
CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed, 2-2
custom, 2-3
deleting from the library, 3-8
Fonts, description, 2-2
Format creation
Create the data stream, 1-11
Define the fields using the ^R
command, 1-5
Defining the format using the ^T
command, 1-8
Designing the format, 1-2
Downloading the data stream, 1-12
Modify the format, 1-13
Specify print data and quantity using
the ^P command, 1-9
Format Sample
1, 5-4
2, 5-5
3, 5-6
4, 5-7
5, 5-8
creating, 1-1
defining, 1-8
description, 2-1
modifying, 1-13