9450 Programmer’s Manual
iv TC9450PM Rev. C 8/11/98
Related Software
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Software Manual
Label Design software that works in a DOS
2050 Download Utility
Download software that works in a DOS
environment. It downloads fonts and text files,
clears printer errors, requests the printer status,
determines how much printer memory is used and
free, deletes items from the printer library items,
deletes all batches, deletes the current batch, and
requests the printer’s inventory.
Monarch® Platform™
Font Utility (2335)
Font utility that works in a Windows® environment
and converts Hewlett-Packard® and TrueType™
fonts into fonts that can be interpreted by several
Monarch® printers (including the 9450™ printer).
Monarch® Platform™
Format Editor (2330)
Label Design software that works in a Windows®
Monarch® Platform™
Entry Services (2320)
Data Entry software that works in a Windows®
environment and uses formats created Format
Monarch® Platform™
Spooler (2310)
This software works in a Windows® environment
and manages print jobs.