Promise Technology NS2300N Network Card User Manual

SmartStor NS2300N Product Manual
Managing RAID Volumes
This category includes the following topics:
Viewing RAID Volume Status (page 100)
Viewing Disk Drive Information (page 101)
Creating a RAID Volume (page 101)
Designating a Spare Drive (page 102)
Migrating a RAID Volume (page 102)
Deleting a RAID Volume (page 103)
Viewing an External USB Drive or Memory Stick (page 104)
Formatting an External USB Drive or Memory Stick (page 104)
Viewing RAID Volume Status
RAID status refers to the disk drives on your SmartStor and how they are
arranged into a RAID Volume.
To view the status of your RAID Volume:
1. In the Tree, click the + beside the RAID & File System icon.
2. Click the RAID Management icon.
The RAID Status tab displays the current RAID system and its status:
RAID Name – The name of your RAID, automatically assigned when it
was created
RAID Level – RAID 0 or 1 specified when it was created
Capacity – Data capacity of the RAID Volume in GB
RAID Status – Functional is normal. Critical means a disk drive has
failed. Offline means you cannot access your data.
Critical and offline RAIDs require you to take corrective action. See
“Replacing a Failed Disk Drive” on page 113.
Action Status – Idle is normal. Rebuilding means the RAID Volume is
being rebuilt after a disk drive failure. Migrating means the RAID
Volume is adding a disk drive or changing RAID levels.
Background Activity – None is normal. Running means a background
activity is in progress.