Chapter 4: SmartNAVI
4. Type a Group name in the field provided.
Up to 16 characters, A-Z, 0-9, and _. No spaces.
5. Optional. Move members to the Selected User list to add them.
Or add them later.
6. Click the OK button.
Viewing a List of Groups
To view a list of Groups:
1. Go to the Main Window.
2. Click the User Management icon.
3. Click the Group List button.
Adding Members to a Group
To add Users as Group members:
1. Go to the Main Window.
2. Click the User Management icon.
3. Click the Modify Group Member button.
4. Click the Group whose membership you want to change.
5. Move members to the Selected User list to add them.
6. Click the OK button.
Deleting Members from a Group
To delete Users from a Group:
1. Go to the Main Window.
2. Click the User Management icon.
3. Click the Modify Group Member button.
A User can only belong to one Group. If a User already belongs to
a Group and you add him to this Group, you automatically delete
him from the previous Group.
Deleting a User from a Group does not delete the User from the