Promise Technology NS2300N Network Card User Manual

SmartStor NS2300N Product Manual
6. If you chose Restore to a specific folder, do one of the following actions:
Type the name of an existing folder in the field provided
Type the name of an new folder in the field provided
Click the Folder icon and navigate to the target folder
7. Click the Restore button.
The restoration begins immediately. The amount of time required depends
on the size and number of files being restored.
Viewing the Backup Event Log
Backup events report on backups, schedules, and file transfers.
Events are reported by date, time, severity (information or error) and description.
To view Backup Event Log:
1. Go to the Main Window.
2. Click the SmartSYNC icon.
3. Click the Event Log button.
4. Optional. Set the Event Filter dropdown menu to display:
•All events
Information events only
Error events only
5. Optional. Click the arrow on the Date/Time header to reverse the
chronological order.
Saving the Event Log
This function saves a copy of the Backup Event Log as a text file onto your PC.
The text file records the events displayed in the Event Log window.
Set the Event Filter dropdown menu to display:
•All events
Information events only
Error events only
Click the arrow on the Date/Time header to reverse the chronological order.
For NAS system events, see “Viewing the System Event Log” on
page 71.