A – Command Line Interface
Set Config Command
A-26 59022-04 B
ISLSecurity E_Port security. Determines which
switches a port will establish a link with.
■ Any - we will link with any switch.
■ Ours - we will only link to another
QLogic switch.
■ None - the port will not establish an
ISL link.
SymbolicPortName Descriptive name
ALFairness Default is switch that has priority
ARB_FF Use ARB_FF instead of idles on loop
FCAL option
InteropCredit Number of buffer-to-buffer credits per
port. 0 means the default (12) is
ExtCredit Extended credit port
FANEnable Fabric Address Notification. If enabled,
notifies logged-in NL_Ports of the
FL_Port address, port name, and node
LCFEnable Link control frame preference, R_CTL =
MFSEnable Multi-Frame Sequence bundling
MFS_TOV MFS limit for camp on
MSEnable Management Server enable on this port
NoClose Don’t close unless another device
I/O Stream Guard Enables or disables the suppression of
RSCN messages
VIEnable Enable VI preference routing
CheckAlps Close before sending frames to new
Table A-7. Set Config Port Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description