5 – Managing Ports
Testing Ports
59022-04 B 5-13
4. To confirm that the requested credits were received, reopen the Extended
Credits window and match the number of credits in the "Ext Credits
Requested" column with the number in the "Donated to Port" column.
Resetting a Port
The Reset Port option reinitializes the port using configuration parameters in
memory. To reset a port, do the following:
1. In the Faceplate Display, select the port(s) to be reset.
2. Open the Port menu and select Reset Port.
Testing Ports
The port loopback tests verify correct port operation by sending a frame out
through the loop, and then verifying that the frame received matches the frame
that was sent. Only one port can be tested at a time for each type of test. The Port
Loopback Test window shown in Figure 5-4 presents the following tests:
■ SerDes level (Internal) - The SerDes level test verifies port circuitry. The
SerDes level test sends a test frame from the ASIC through the SerDes chip
and back to the ASIC for the selected ports. The port passes the test if the
frame that was sent by the ASIC matches the test frame that was received.
■ SFP level (External) - The SFP level test also verifies port circuitry. The
SFP level test sends a test frame from the ASIC through the SerDes chip,
through the SFP transceiver fitted with a loopback plug, and back to the
ASIC for the selected ports. The port passes the test if the test frame that
was sent by the ASIC matches the test frame that was received.
■ Node-to-Node (Online) - The Node-to-Node test verifies communications
between the port and its device node or device loop. The port being tested
must be online and connected to a remote device. The port passes the test if
the frame that was sent by the ASIC matches the frame that was received.
Note: As credits are used, the Logged-In LEDs on the corresponding donor
ports illuminate continuously. In addition, donor port Activity LEDs will
reflect the same traffic as the recipient port. Donor ports whose credits
are being used are unavailable to devices that are connected to them.