4200FA Installation and Operation Manual 121
Blk Item Long Description
Short Description
(Inside UPS)
User Admin
1 - 19200
2 - 38400
3 - 57600
4 - 115200
6 31 Change Security Level Change Secu. Lvl R/W R/W Y
6 32 Manage Admin PW Manage Admin PW - R/W Y
6 33 Reset Admin PW Reset Admin PW R/W R/W
0 - Nothing
- Reset
6 39 Enable Remote Eye to Control UPS En REye UPS Ctl - R/W N
6 41 Inverter Start Inverter Start R R/W Y
6 42 Remote Switch Remote Bypass
- R/W Y
6 67 Auto Transfer AutoXfer R R/W 255 or
1 - Enable
0 - Disabled
7 1 System Operation Time System Op Time Sec R R Y
7 2 Inverter Op Time Inverter Op Time Sec R R Y
7 23 Total Backups Total Backups R R Y
7 25 Total Faults Total Faults R R Y
7 27 Total Operations Total Operations R R Y
8 1 Display Firmware Version DFW Ver R R
T - Toshba UPS
XX - 2 Alpha Numeric UPS Product
Line (4200FA)
Y - uC Projects (M - Main, S - Sub,
D - Display)
FV - Firmware Version
MM - Major version
RRR - Minor version Note: Only
display can write. Others, read only.