1. Click the VRS Settings tab.
A Note About VRS™: The scanner software you installed includes a
version of the Kofax® VirtualReScan® (VRS) application known as
Visioneer OneTouch with Kofax VRS Technology. This application has
a set of features for improving and enhancing the quality of scanned
documents, especially documents that would usually produce poorer
quality images. For example, the AutoBrightness option analyzes the
document to determine if it’s too light or dark to produce a clear, legible
image, or if the background and highlighted areas of the image are
indistinct. AutoBrightness then automatically adjusts the brightness.
Scan configurations with VRS options work with OneTouch scan
settings to produce the best quality images.
Note the button, Get VRS Pro. The software version you received with
the scanner is the standard VRS application and provides the Basic
Features. If you would like to purchase VRS Professional to be able to
use the advanced features of VRS, click the Get VRS Pro button.
Click the drop-down
arrow to choose the
type of VRS settings.