5-16 Setting up Network Servers
Setting up the GA-1040 on TCP/IP networks
Every machine (host) on a TCP/IP network, including the GA-1040, must have a
unique 32-bit internet address (IP address). If the network is being set up for the first
time, it is a good idea to start out with addresses that can be used with the public
Internet. Contact your Internet service provider to obtain an address for the GA-1040.
1. A superuser (with root login) must add the GA-1040 to the network’s IP host table or
other system database of network printers.
2. In the file or utility used by your network, specify the remote printer name, the print
server protocol, the queue, and the spool file for the GA-1040 name you assigned.
3. Make the GA-1040 available as a printer to other network users.
4. To verify the TCP/IP connection, ping the IP address or the host name. From any
computer on the network, at the command prompt, type:
ping <IP address>
Type the GA-1040 IP address assigned in GA-1040 Network Setup.
After the GA-1040 is set up as a network printer, you can also ping the name you gave
to the GA-1040
ping <hostname>
The server should respond with a message such as
<IP address> is alive
Some systems will respond with a continuous display of output from the IP address.
To stop the output, type
Control-C. You can use the ping command at any time.