3-4 Setting up the GA-1040 from TopAccess
Print Banner Page—Specify whether the GA-1040 should print a banner page at the
end of each print job.
Job List Order—Specify the order in which jobs are displayed in the Job Status, Private,
Stored Job, Print Log, and Print Jobs List. The Normal setting lists newer jobs first.
Delete Time for Private Job—Specify how many days a Private job is stored.
Use Character Set—Specify whether the Touch Panel Display and the job management
tools should use the Macintosh, DOS, or Windows character set for displaying
filenames. This is important if a filename includes accented or composite characters
(such as é or æ). For mixed-platform networks, select the setting that gives the best
overall representation of the special characters you use.
Job Log Setup
Enable Printed Queue—Select this option if you want to enable the Printed queue,
which creates a storage location on the GA-1040 disk for recent jobs that were printed
from the Print queue. Users with access to the job management tools can reprint their
own jobs from the Printed queue without sending them to the GA-1040 again. If you
select No, jobs are deleted from the GA-1040 disk immediately after they are printed.
Jobs Saved in Printed Queue—This option appears only if Enable Printed Queue is set
to Yes. Specify the number of jobs to be stored in the Printed queue. Note that jobs in
the Printed queue take up space on the GA-1040 hard disk.
Auto Print Job Log Every 55 Jobs—Specify whether the GA-1040 prints the Job Log
after every 55 jobs. The Job Log lists the last 55 jobs processed on the GA-1040, with
accounting information about each one, including user name, document name, time
and date printed, number of pages, and other job information.
Auto Clear Job Log Every 55 Jobs—Specify whether the GA-1040 clears the Job Log
after every 55 jobs. If you do not turn on this option, the GA-1040 saves a file
containing a record of all jobs ever printed. Since this file takes up space on the
GA-1040 hard disk, clearing the Job Log frees up additional disk space. You can clear
the Job Log manually at any time from the job management tools.
Job Log Page Size—Select the size of paper to print the Job Log on.
Language Setup
Select the language to use for displaying status and error messages.