2-12 Setting up the GA-1040
For each item you enable, you are prompted to enter settings pertaining to that item.
You specify network addresses and names to be used by workstations, servers, and the
GA-1040 when they communicate with each other. You need to display and select
options only for the network systems that are currently used at your site. If your
network requirements change, you can change the Setup options later.
The options appear in sequence, as described below. Default values, where applicable,
appear in square brackets.
TCP/IP Setup
Enter the appropriate settings for the network type you use. If your network uses a
gateway, enter the gateway address in the Gateway section.
When you set an IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address for the GA-1040 during
Setup, you can allow the GA-1040 to get these addresses automatically from a DHCP,
BOOTP, or RARP server. First, turn on or reboot the GA-1040 and allow it to reach
Idle. Next, make sure the DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP server is running. Finally,
perform Setup.
Enable TCP/IP
Enable/Disable [Enable]
Select Yes if you have a TCP/IP network connected to the GA-1040 over Ethernet