3-13 Printer Setup options
Symbol Set—This option lets you choose the symbol set that best matches the needs of
users printing to the GA-1040.
Font Number—The font number designates the default font for the GA-1040.
Font Pitch—When the number selected in Font Number represents a fixed pitch
scalable font, the Font Pitch option appears, allowing you to determine the width of
scalable type. Pitch is measured by characters per inch, so 10-pitch type fits ten
characters per inch.
Font Size—When the number selected in Font Number represents a proportionally
spaced scalable font, the Font Size option allows you to determine the point size
(height) of the default font.
Page Length—This option sets the number of lines to be printed per page.
Margin—Choose the unit of measurement (mm or in), and set the top and left margins
of the page.
PS Setup options
PS (PostScript) Setup options allow you to set defaults for GA-1040 behavior. Most of
these defaults can be set when users print from an application.
Print to PS Error—Use this option to specify whether the GA-1040 should print the
available portion of a print job when it encounters a PostScript error. Select Yes to print
the portion of the job that was processed before the error occurred; select No to cancel
the print job entirely when a PostScript error is encountered. Leave this option at No
unless you encounter printing problems.
Convert Paper Sizes—Specify whether to convert paper sizes in documents
automatically to the default paper sizes specified. For example, if you select
Letter/Tabloid->A4/A3, a letter size document is automatically printed on A4 paper.
If you select No, the GA-1040 prints the document only if it finds a media source in
the size specified by the file.
Allow Courier Substitution—Specify whether to substitute Courier for fonts that are
unavailable when you download PostScript files to the GA-1040, or when you print a
document for which you do not have the corresponding printer font. If this option is
set to No, jobs with fonts that are not available on the GA-1040 hard drive generate a
PostScript error and do not print.