
2-18 Setting up the GA-1040
Symbol Set
Symbol Set
Roman-8/ISO L1/PC-8... [Roman-8]
This option lets you choose the symbol set that best matches the needs of users
printing to the GA-1040.
Font Setup
Font Number
0-999 [0]
The font number designates the default font for the GA-1040.
Font Pitch
0.44-99.99 [10.00]
When the number selected in Font Number represents a fixed pitch scalable font, the
Font Pitch option appears, allowing you to determine the width of scalable type. Pitch
is measured by characters per inch, so 10-pitch type fits ten characters per inch.
Font Size
4.00-999.75 [12.00]
When the number selected in Font Number represents a proportionally spaced scalable
font, the Font Size option allows you to determine the point size (height) of the default
Page Length
Page Length
5-128 [60]
This option sets the number of lines to be printed per page.
These options set the default margins on the paper.
[5mm or 0.20in]
Set the default top margin.