
2-1 About GA-1040 Setup
The GA-1040 fits into a variety of work environments. To prepare for printing at your
site, you need to do some initial configuration to specify the network environment and
the kind of printing you will do.
About GA-1040 Setup
For Setup, you need a live network connection so the GA-1040 can query the network
for zones, servers, server-based queues, and other essential information. When you set
an IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address for the GA-1040 during Setup, you can
allow the GA-1040 to get these addresses automatically.
On Novell or Windows NT (using TCP/IP) networks, the network servers should
be configured for printing to the GA-1040 before you enter network settings on the
GA-1040. The diagrams on pages 1-5 through 1-9 give chapter references for Network
Whenever the configuration of the GA-1040, a copier, or the network itself changes at
your site, you can alter individual settings to correspond to the changed environment.
Likewise, if printing needs or administrative requirements change, you can alter the
corresponding settings.
NOTE: Changing network or port settings may require that you make changes in more
than one Setup area.
Chapter 2:
Setting up
the GA-1040