
3-6 Setting up the GA-1040 from TopAccess
MAC Address—This is the MAC address of the Ethernet port; the information cannot
be changed.
Transmission Speed—Select Auto if your network environment is mixed, or select the
speed of the network to which the GA-1040 is attached.
TCP/IP Setup
To configure the GA-1040, choose each protocol and enter the settings for that
protocol. You can enable AppleTalk, TCP/IP, and IPX/SPX communication
Enter the appropriate settings for the network type you use. If your network uses a
gateway, enter the gateway address in the Gateway section.
When you set an IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address for the GA-1040 during
Setup, you can allow the GA-1040 to get these addresses automatically from a DHCP,
BOOTP, or RARP server. First, turn on or reboot the GA-1040 and allow it to reach
Idle. Next, make sure the DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP server is running. Finally,
perform GA-1040 Setup.
Enable Ethernet—Select this option if you have a TCP/IP network connected to the
GA-1040 over Ethernet cabling.
Enable Auto IP—Select this option to allow the GA-1040 to obtain its Ethernet IP
address by searching the network. Depending on your network and the protocol you
select in the following option (DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP), the IP address can change.
Deselect this option to assign the GA-1040 a static IP address, which will not change.
Proceed to the IP Address option, where you manually set the IP address.
Select protocol—If you have enabled Auto IP, select the protocol over which the
GA-1040 should search for its IP address. Both DHCP and BOOTP allow the
GA-1040 to obtain the Ethernet IP address and Subnet Mask automatically. RARP
obtains only the Ethernet IP address.