
66 E1442A Command Reference Chapter 3
The [ROUTe:] subsystem controls switching and scanning operations for
the Form C switch modules in a switchbox.
Subsystem Syntax [ROUTe:]
CLOSe <channel_list>
CLOSe? <channel_list>
OPEN <channel_list>
OPEN? <channel_list>
SCAN <channel_list>
:MODE <mode>
[ROUTe:]CLOSe<channel_list> activates the Form C switch relay for the
channels specified in the channel_list. The relays Common (C) terminal
is connected to the Normally Open (NO) terminal. The channel_list is in
the form (@ccnn), (@ccnn,ccnn), or (@ccnn:ccnn) where cc = card
number (00-99) and nn = channel number (00-63).
Special Case of Using Upper Range 99 in the Channel List: Specifying the
last channel as 99 (for example, (@100:199) automatically closes all
channels on the card number specified by cc.
Closing Channels: To close:
ROUTe:]CLOSe (@ccnn) to close a single channel
[ROUTe:]CLOSe (@ccnn,ccnn) to close multiple channels
[ROUTe:]CLOSe (@ccnn:ccnn) to close sequential channels
[ROUTe:]CLOSe (@ccnn:ccnn,ccnn:ccnn) to close a group of
sequential channels
any combination of the above
Closure Order: A list of channels will not all close simultaneously. The
order channels close when specified from a single command is not
guaranteed. Use sequential CLOSe commands if needed.
Related Commands: [ROUTe:]OPEN, [ROUTe:]CLOSe?
*RST Condition: All Form C switch channels are open.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<channel_list> numeric
cc00 - cc63