Kindle User’s Guide 22
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Your Kindle
The Application Menu
You can display a menu from any screen on your Kindle. When you press the Menu button, it
displays choices related to the screen you are viewing. The sample screen below shows you
the screen you would typically see when you press the Menu button from within a book.
1.3 Entering Text
To use the Kindle keyboard, most people find it easiest to hold the device in both hands, and
use the tips of their thumbs to press the keys.
Lowercase and Uppercase Letters
To enter lowercase letters, press the appropriate letter key. To enter uppercase letters, hold
down the Shift key , and then press the desired letter key like you do on your computer
keyboard. Alternatively, you can press and release the Shift key and then press the
desired letter. Only the next letter will be capitalized. The Shift key is located at the bottom
left corner of the keyboard.
Numbers, Punctuation, and Symbols
While typing, to enter a punctuation mark, symbol, or number, press the Symbol key
located in the second row from the bottom of the keyboard.