Kindle User’s Guide 75
Chapter 6 Accessing the Web
Zooming In to Web Pages
You can zoom in to any web page to magnify the page. Additionally, if you see a magnifying
glass displayed on a web page, you can use it to magnify a specific area of a web page.
To zoom in to any web page, follow these steps:
1. While viewing a web page, press Menu.
2. Choose Zoom In or Zoom Out.
To zoom in using the magnifying glass, follow these steps:
1. Use the 5-way controller to position the magnifying glass over the area that you want to
magnify. (The magnifying glass is only available in portrait screen rotation.)
2. Press the 5-way to zoom in to the web page.
To see more zoom options, press the Text key .
fit-to-width — displays the web page by matching the width of the page to the width of your
Kindle’s screen; this is the default (normal) size. Pressing the Back button while zoomed in
returns the view to normal size.
150% — displays the web page at one and one half times the normal size.
200% — displays the web page at twice the normal size.
300% — displays the web page at three times the normal size.
actual size — displays the web page at 100% zoom as it would appear if printed.
Once you are zoomed in, you can use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to move up
or down within the web page. You can also use the 5-way to move left, right, up, and down
within the web page. The black bars at the right and bottom of the display indicate which
portion of the overall page you are viewing. Press the Back button to return the view to the
normal size.
Tip: To view web pages in landscape orientation, press the Text key and change
the screen rotation.