Kindle User’s Guide 51
Chapter 3 Reading on Kindle
To view a list of all Popular Highlights in a book, follow these steps:
1. While reading the book, press the Menu button.
2. Use the 5-way to underline “View Popular Highlights” and press to select. A list of the book’s
Popular Highlights appears. By default, the list is sorted by popularity. If this option appears
dimmed, make sure you enabled the Popular Highlights feature in Settings. See “Displaying
Popular Highlights in Your Books” for instructions on enabling Popular Highlights. If Popular
Highlights are enabled but this option still appears dimmed, then the book has no Popular
3. To sort the list by location, use the 5-way to underline the Sort options.
4. Use the 5-way to underline the “Location” sort option.
5. Press the 5-way to confirm. The list immediately changes to the new sort order.
6. To close the Popular Highlights list, use the 5-way to underline “Close Popular Highlights”, and
then press the 5-way to select it.
A book’s Popular Highlights will change over time, and highlights that were once popular may
be displaced by others as readers continue to add or remove highlights in the book. If there
are certain passages in the book that you want to be able to refer back to, then highlight
those passages yourself.
If you do not want your own highlighted passages to be counted in Popular Highlights, you
must turn off Annotations Backup in Settings. Keep in mind that if you turn off Annotations
Backup, your notes, highlights, and bookmarks will not be backed up by Amazon, and they
will not be displayed on other devices registered to your Amazon account. Also, if you lose or
damage your device, there will be no way to retrieve your notes, highlights, and bookmarks.
Not all books contain Popular Highlights, and some books do not have enough highlighted
passages to have even a single Popular Highlight passage. When you are reading such a
book, if you press the Menu button you will notice that the “View Popular Highlights” option
will appear dimmed.
Updating Popular Highlights in a Book
Popular Highlights may not be available for the books you already own. If a book you already
own does not include them, you can check for Popular Highlights by following these steps:
1. Press the Home button.
2. Press the Menu button.
3. Use the 5-way to underline “Sync & Check for Items” and press to select.
4. If there are Popular Highlights for the book, then you will see them the next time you open
the book. If you press the Menu button while reading the book and the “View Popular
Highlights” option is still dimmed, then no Popular Highlights are available. Try checking
again later.
Using Notes
You can add notes on what you are reading. Kindle stores all your notes for the current
content in your annotations. You can view them at any time by pressing the Menu button
and selecting “View Notes & Marks.” See “Viewing Your Annotations” for more information.
To add a note, follow these steps:
1. Press Menu and choose “Add a Note or Highlight.” This displays a blinking cursor.
2. Using the 5-way, move the cursor to the left of the word where you want to add your
3. Type your note.