Kindle User’s Guide 63
Chapter 4 Searching on Kindle
3. Press the 5-way to submit your search.
If you select “Search” from the Home page menu, the screen will display a full Search page.
4.2 Search Results Page
When searching all your content, Kindle looks in the reading materials you have on your
Kindle and the metadata (like title and author) of the materials you have in Archived Items.
This includes purchased items, personal documents, and annotations that you have created.
The example below shows a typical Search Results page.
The screen shows the titles of the items that contain your search term and indicates how
many times the term occurs. The list is ordered by the number of occurrences of the search
term in each item. If the term appears in a title of an archived item, then that item is listed
first and does not include the number of occurrences.
Use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons if there are more results than fit on the
current page.
Search Results for a Specific Item
To see the results for one of the items listed:
1. Use the 5-way to underline the item.
2. Press the 5-way to view the matches.
3. A page appears showing all instances of the search term in that particular title. Each
occurrence lists its location number and is shown in context so you can see how the
search term is used.