Switched Rack PDU
How to configure outlet settings and outlet name
Settings that you can configure. The following settings are available in
both the Web interface and control console unless otherwise indicated:
Setting Description
Power On Delay Set the number of seconds that the Rack PDU waits after a
command is issued before applying power to an outlet.
OTE: To configure an outlet to remain off at all times, check the
Never check box next to Power On Delay in the Web interface, or
configure a value of
–1 for Power On Delay in the control console.
Power Off Delay Set the number of seconds that the Rack PDU waits after a
command is issued before removing power from an outlet.
OTE: To configure an outlet to remain on at all times, check the
Never check box next to Power Off Delay in the Web interface, or
configure a value of
–1 for Power Off Delay in the control console.
Reboot Duration Set the number of seconds an outlet remains off before restarting.
Name (Web
Outlet Name
(control console)
Set the name for one or more outlets. The name is displayed next
to the outlet number on status screens.
Link (Web
Define an HTTP or HTTPS link to a Web site or IP address.
• http://www.apcc.com links the outlet to the home page of the
APC Web site.
• links the outlet to the Web interface of the
Switched Rack PDU at the IP address, enabling
you to log on to that interface (if you have the appropriate access).
OTE: If the outlet is a member of an outlet group, the only link that
is used is the link configured for the global outlet or (for a local
outlet group) the link configured for the lowest-numbered outlet of a
local outlet group. You can configure a link for another outlet in an
outlet group, but that link will be available to use only when that
outlet is no longer a member of an outlet group.