3.1 General Information
The General Information Screen displays the current system information of the switch, such as its name, IP
address, and boot information. The information displayed is read-only.
To view General Information, type g from the Main Menu. A screen similar to that below appears.
IntraCore 35160-T General Information Menu
System up since: 07/16/2003 Wed. 03:57:59pm
Software Version
Bank 1 Image Version/Date: 1.20B/Jun 17 2003 20:41:25 (Running)
Bank 2 Image Version/Date: 1.10 /May 20 2003 18:01:54
System Information
PROM Image Version/Date: 1.01 /Nov 20 2002 10:47:44
DRAM Size: 32.0MB Flash Size: 4.0MB
Config NVRAM Size: 128KB Console Baud Rate: 9600 bps
Serial No. :
Administration Information
System Name: <none>
System Location: <none>
System Contact: <none>
System MAC Address, IP Address, Subnet Mask and Router
MAC Address: 00:00:94:BF:00:46
IP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Subnet Mask:
Router: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Bootstrap Configuration
Boot Load Mode: LOCAL
Press any key to continue...
To exit the General Information Screen, press any key on the keyboard.
3.2 Configuration Menu
The Configuration Menu allows the user to manage and configure the switch and each of its ports. However,
you must be logged in with user name root or readwrite in order to make changes to the switch’s
configuration. If you are logged in as readonly, you have read-only access, and no configuration options will
be available to you.
In the following screen, the user has read-only access, and is checking the bootstrap configuration (System
Utilities/Bootstrap Configuration) Menu.
IntraCore 35160-T Bootstrap Configuration Menu
Bank 1 Image Version/Date: 1.20B/Jun 17 2003 20:41:25 (Running)
Bank 2 Image Version/Date: 1.10 /May 20 2003 18:01:54
Load Mode: Local
Boot Bank: 1
<Cmd> <Description>
q Return to previous menu