Advanced IGMP Configuration
To enable or disable transmitting query packets, set the query interval, or to enable or disable IGMP Proxy
Report Forward, type v in the IP Multicast Traffic Management Menu.
IntraCore 35160-T IP Multicast Advanced Configuration Menu VID: [01]
IGMP Query : [Disabled]
IGMP Query Interval : 120 seconds
IGMP Proxy Report Forward : [Disabled]
<Cmd> <Description>
r Enable/Disable Transmitting Query packets
i Set Query Interval
x Toggle IGMP Proxy Report Forward Enable/Disable
q Return to previous menu
S)elect VLAN N)ext VLAN P)rev VLAN
Displaying a Summary of Group Addresses
To display a list of multicast group addresses for the current VLAN, from the IP Multicast Traffic
Management Menu, type d. This accesses a screen similar to the following:
| Multicast IP Addr | Action | Port Membership |
No entry was found
End of Summary, Quit
To display a list of all multicast group addresses, from the IP Multicast Traffic Management Menu, type a.
This accesses a screen similar to the following:
| Multicast IP Addr | VID | Action | Port Membership |
No entry was found
End of Summary, Quit