To assign a Priority Group to an interface, type p in the QoS Priority Queue Management Menu to access
the Priority Group Configuration Menu. Only one list can be assigned per interface. Type g to set the Priority
Group, or type the corresponding command letter to select another task.
IntraCore 35160-T Priority Group Configuration Menu Port: [01]
Port Name: <none>
Priority Group Info:
[+: Priority Group Enabled, -: No Priority Group]
Priority Group Status: [01]-------- [09]--------
Priority List Number: [<none>]
<Cmd> <Description>
u Display Priority Group
g Set Priority Group
o Remove Priority Group
r Reset Priority Group Configuration to Factory Default
q Return to previous menu
S)elect port N)ext port P)rev port
Set TELNET traffic as high priority traffic on ingress port 10.
First, create Priority List 1, by following these steps:
1. Type i in the QoS Priority Queue Management Menu.
2. Enter queue list number 1.
3. Select p to choose protocol.
4. Select TCP by typing t.
5. Enter the layer 4 port number (Telnet is 23).
6. Set the priority (L, N, M, or H, as shown).
7. Type y to save the configuration, or n to cancel.
Enter queue list number (1 - 16) > 1
Please select classifier type Protocol or Ingress port (p/i) >
Please select TCP or UDP (t/u) >
Enter layer 4 port number (1 - 65536) > 23
Please set priority (L: Low, N: Normal, M: Medium, H: High) >
Save "priority-list 1 protocol ip high tcp 12" ? (y/n) >
Next, you can assign Priority List 1 on port 10 as a priority group:
1. From the Priority Group Configuration Menu, type g to set a Priority Group.
2. Enter the port number (1 through 16), in this case, 10.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to assign Priority List 1 to port 10.