Chapter 4
Cajun P550/P880 Switch ATM Uplink User Guide, Version 1.1
CDVT Enter the Cell Delay Variation Tolerance.
When cells from two or more connection
are multiplexed, cells of a given
connection may be delayed.
Simultaneously, cells of another
connection are being inserted at the
output of the multiplexer. Some
randomness may affect the inter-arrival
time between consecutive cells of a
connection. The upper boundary on this
delay is the CDVT
PCR Enter the Peak Cell Rate. This is a traffic
parameter specifying an upper bound on
the rate at which traffic can be submitted
on an ATM connection. The unit of
measurement is cells/second. The valid
range is 100 - 1412830.
SCR Enter the Sustainable Cell Rate. This
traffic parameter specifying an uppe
bound on the average rate of the
conforming cells of an ATM connection.
The unit of measurement is cells/second.
The valid range is 50 - 1412829.
Note: This parameter is not available for
MBS Enter the Maximum Burst Size. This
traffic parameters specifies the maximum
number of cells allowed to arrive on a
connection in excess of the PCR which is
permitted without being dropped. The
valid range is 2 - 1048576. The default is
This parameter is not available for
peak-to-peak CD Enter the Peak-to-Peak Cell Delay
Variation. The valid range is dependent on
the ATM switch configuration. The valid
range is 0 - 10000 (in milliseconds).
This parameter is not available for
UBR or nrtVBR.
Parameter Definition