Paper drawers
About the paper drawers 1‑2
Clearing paper jams 11‑13, 11‑15
Paper requirements 2‑11
Paper selection 3‑4
Paper supply indicator 2‑27
PC Faxing 8‑1
Photo mode 3‑10
Plain paper 2‑11
Platen glass 1‑4, 2‑7
Power supply xxiii
Preset zoom 3‑14, 3‑15
Printable area 2‑14
Printer feature vii
Printing 6‑1
Printing USER’S DATA LIST 12‑2
Processing/Data indicator 1‑6
Receiving documents 5‑1
Recycled paper 2‑11
Recycling cartridge 10‑20
U.S.A. PROGRAM 10‑22
Reduction copy ratios 3‑15
Remote UI 9‑1
Remote UI feature vii
Replacing the cartridge 10‑14
Replacing the stamp cartridge 10‑12
Report Settings 12‑27
Reserved copy 3‑19
Reset key 1‑5
Setting for sending 4‑22
Rotate mode 3‑22
Safety instructions xvii
SCAN key 1‑5
Scan mode
Selecting 4‑16
Scanner feature vii
Scanning 7‑1
Scanning area 1‑4, 2‑4
Scanning originals
Computer 7‑2
Scan settings
Changing the color mode 4‑18
Copying 3‑10
Different size originals 4‑30
Document size 4‑20
Original type setting 4‑24
Resolution 4‑22
Scan density 4‑24
Selecting a scan mode 4‑16
Sending 4‑16
Two‑sided originals 4‑28
Sending/Receiving features iv
Sending documents 4‑1
SEND key 1‑5
Serial No. key 1‑5
Service call messages 11‑29
Setting paper size and type
Stack bypass 2‑21
Setting paper type
Paper drawers 2‑19
Setting the speed or print side priority 2‑28
Sleep mode 1‑22
Slide guides 1‑3, 2‑9