Operation Manual
DBC Network Bridge
page 30
4 Operation
4.7.4 EQ Filters
To access the EQ Filters window (Figure 4.10), click on its icon (shown
above) for any channel in the Signal Path window.
1. On/off
Enables or disables filtering.
2. Add Button
Click this to add a filter. A light green circle appears, indicating the active fil-
3. Frequency Response Graph
Shows the frequency response of individual filters (not summed). After turn-
ing on filtering (1), click the graph to add a filter. A node appears. Click-drag
each node to set its frequency and gain. The node turns yellow when
selected, yellow-green when on, and dark green when not selected.
4. Frequency, Gain and Q Settings
This is an alternative to dragging nodes on the Frequency Response Display.
Use arrow keys or enter values for each filter band. All filters are frequency
adjustable for 20 Hz - 20 kHz. Gain is adjustable from +24 dB to –24 dB.
High-Q filters with gain greater than unity can cause unwanted ringing. This
is true for both digital and analog filters and should be used with great care.
5. Active Filter and Delete
Active Filter selects the filter you want to adjust. Delete removes the
selected filter.
6. Type
The filters provide an array of filter types for any processing need: Low-pass,
High-pass, Low Shelf, High Shelf, Low-pass EQ, High-pass EQ, Parametric
EQ, All-Pass1, All-Pass2.
7. Octave Bandwidth
Sets the octave bandwidth of the selected filter.
8. Gain Slider
This is another way to set the gain of the selected filter.
Figure 4.10 EQ Filters Window