DBC Network Bridge
Operation Manual page 61
Automix Matrix
Access the Automix Matrix (Figure 5.24) by pressing the Auto-
mix Matrix button in the Signal Path window.
This window is an interactive overview of all the possible automix
routings assignments and priorities. There are three main auto-
mix functions; Ducking, NOM and Adaptive Gating and these
work as a group.
Ducking is based upon the 16 inputs, these inputs are assigned a
priority (1 being the highest) and involves cutting an input based
upon a gate being open for a higher priority. NOM is a reduction
based upon how many open mics are in the group and Adaptive
Gating moves the threshold of the gate based upon an external
Colors denote the type of function assigned from the input to the
automix group, Blue=Ducking, Yellow=NOM and Green=Adaptive
Gating. Assignments set up in the matrix take on the color of the
active function and, if two or more functions are set up then the
color will change to red. If the individual input enable switches
are off then the colors become faint and, if the group functions
are disabled then the numbers become white although the
assignment remains.
The group function is enabled by clicking on the rows (either
Duck, Nom or Gate) at the top of the window. Clicking on the
Group row numbers at the very top of the window accesses the
group controls window for that group number.
5 Advanced Operation
Figure 5.24 Automix Matrix Window