Operation Manual
DBC Network Bridge
page 8
1B. Once the Properties window opens (Figure 1.5), click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Figure 1.5 Internal Properties Window
1C. We recommend that you uncheck “Obtain an IP address automatically”, and check
“Use the following address.” If you decide to set an IP address manually, specify an IP
address. The IP address is four numbers between 1 and 255 separated by periods. For
Select a subnet mask. The subnet mask is four numbers between 1 and 255 separated by
periods. For example,
1D. Click OK and close the Control Panel. At this point, some computer operating systems
will require a restart.
Figure 1.6 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Window
Getting Started With the DBC Network Bridge
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IQ) Properties window appears (Figure 1.6). Dis-
able Virtual Private Network or other encryption settings.
See Section 1.2.5, TCP/IQ Addressing Worksheet, on the next page. Open
the supplied Excel worksheet called IQ Worksheet.XLS.
255 255 0 0
126 126 0 1