48 Printing From Start to Finish
Managing Color with Custom Profiles
Follow the steps in this section to use custom profiles for printing with Adobe
Photoshop (the instructions cover Photoshop 7.0). You’ll also need to use
profile-building software to create your profiles, such as Monaco Systems
MonacoEZcolor or GretagMacbeth
Carefully follow the instructions in these sections for the best results:
■ “Printing a Custom Profile Test Target” below
■ “Creating Your Custom Profile” on page 50
■ “Printing With Your Custom Profile” on page 50
■ “Solving Color Management Problems” on page 56
Printing a Custom Profile Test Target
Follow these steps to create individual custom profile test targets for each paper type
you plan to print on.
Note: The illustrations in this section show Macintosh screens; the Windows
screens are similar.
1. Start your profile creation software and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to
open and prepare your test target file. (If you need help, contact the software
manufacturer for instructions.)
2. When you’re ready to print the test target, select File > Print.
3. Macintosh OS X: Select your printer from the Printer menu, then select Print
from the pull-down menu.
Windows: Click the Properties or Preferences button, then click the
Advanced button.