6.1.5 Displaying the update log for a server
1. On the Server Details tab, select the relevant server, see "Server
Details tab" on page 61.
2. Click Show Details. The Show Server Details dialog box is dis-
3. Click History. A web page opens with information about all jobs that
have been run on the server.
6.1.6 Displaying detailed information about an update
1. On the Update Details tab, choose the update for which you require
detailed information, see "Update Details tab" on page 67.
2. Click Show Details. The Update Details dialog box opens with addi-
tional information about the update you selected, see "Update Details
dialog box" on page 100.
6.1.7 Managing jobs
The following procedures describe how to manage your jobs. Creating a job
1. Go to the Update Details tab, see "Update Details tab" on page 67.
2. In the tree structure, either on the Servers tab or the Updates tab,
choose the group for which you want to create a new job.
3. On the left of the Update Details tab, choose either the component
group or server for which you want to create a new job.
4. On the right of the Update Details tab, choose the server specific
update for which you want to create a new job.
5. Click Create Job. The Create Job wizard opens with the first step
Logon. You must log on to servers that have restricted or not certified
access status in order to obtain access to these.
ServerView Update Management 203
6.1 Update Manager