All users in this group are authorized to perform the update pro-
cedure. The user group GFUSER is preset. If you want to use the
GFUSER group you must configure it under Windows.
But you can also use any other user group.
In the case of an update installation the default values are assigned to
the existing configuration values.
Installation via the Command Line Interface (FTASetup.exe)
You can install the update agent at command level using the following com-
mand :
FTAsetup -noaccountcheck {0|1}
[-flashusergroup <user_group>]
FTAsetup -GFAU
The options have the following meanings:
-noaccountcheck { 0 |1}
You use this option to enable (0) or disable (1) the password query.
-flashusergroup <user_group>
When the password query is enabled this option can be used to specify
the name of a local user group. All users in this user group are authorized
to perform the update procedure. If this option is omitted, GFUSER is the
You use this option to start an update installation for the agents. In con-
trast to a complete new installation (without this option) parameters alrea-
dy set in the update agent are retained.
In the case of an update installation the default values are assigned to
the existing configuration values.
ServerView Update Management 47
4.1 Installation on the managed server