Update job using GlobalFlash Agent up to V 4.71
When you start an update job, the following dialog is displayed on the man-
aged server:
If the dialog is answered with Cancel, the command GFCLI -W(=Wai-
tForDone) returns the value 3.
In <result file>, the message Flash Cancelled by User is logged.
To cleanup the managed server, the following command has to be used:
GFCLI -A -S (=Cancel, forced variant)
7.1.4 Reboot (Command)
GFCLI -R -N <system> [-F <results file >]
[-L <user> [-P <password>]]
Reboot initiates the reboot that is required by at least one job (indicated by
Job status REBOOT). When the reboot is done, the status of these jobs auto-
matically changes to READY.
If a connection cannot be established, the command returns with a timeout
after a maximum of 60 seconds.
ServerView Update Management 233
7.1 GFCLI (Command-Line Interface)