c39 frank
General Information
Factory Default Settings
The following is a list of the factory default settings for the 3600 printer:
Configuration Default Setting
Preamble Character Disabled
Postamble Character Disabled
Auto-Transmit 1 Disabled
Auto-Transmit 2 Disabled
Auto-Transmit 3 Disabled
Message Delay 0 ms
Power-Up Mode Advanced mode
End-of-Print Skip Distance 100 dots
Top of Form 20 dots
Media Sensitivity 420
Number of Image Bands 3
Maximum Label Length 1000 dots
Printer Character Set US ASCII
Label Retract Enabled
Print Speed 3 ips
Label Stock Type Die-cut
Intercharacter Delay 0 ms
3600 Printer Options
The 3600 you are servicing can be equipped with one or more of the following
Memory Expansion
Storage memory for formats, pages, graphics, and fonts can be increased to
512K of battery backed static RAM. This option provides an additional 512K of
nonvolatile bulk storage to hold more formats, fonts, or bitmap graphics. It also
increases the printer’s image buffering capabilities.
Twinax Interface
Allows connection of the 3600 printer to IBM Twinax systems. The printer
emulates an IBM 5256 Model 1 printer and can operate with an IBM System
34/36/38 or AS/400 host computer.