3600 Printer Maintenance Manual
Remove and Replace Procedures
Replacing Printer Components 5-3
Replacing the Lithium Battery 5-4
Replacing the Printhead 5-5
Replacing the Bezel PCB 5-6
Replacing the Main PCB 5-8
Replacing the Kanji/Katakana Option PCB 5-9
Replacing the Label Mark Sensor 5-10
Replacing the Label Taken Sensor 5-12
Replacing the Label Gap Sensor 5-13
Replacing the TTR Drive Roller and Gear/Pulley 5-15
Replacing the TTR Takeup Hub, Clutch/Pulley, and Belt 5-18
Replacing the TTR Supply Hub and Adjusting Plate 5-20
Replacing the Platen Roller and Gear 5-22
Replacing the Liner Drive and Takeup Components 5-24
Replacing the Stepper Motor 5-30
Replacing the AC Plug/Input Filter 5-31
Replacing the Power Switch/Circuit Breaker 5-32
Replacing the Transformer 5-33
PCB Drawings and Schematics
Replacement Parts