HP (Hewlett-Packard) 650c Printer User Manual

All calibration procedures are accessible through the front panel menu structure. Procedures
accessed by users are available through the ªUtilitiesº main menu. These procedures include
Pen Alignment and Accuracy submenus. The Accuracy submenu contains two lower subme-
nus, Restore Factory settings and Recalibrate procedures. The Config Plot function, also lo-
cated in the ªUtilitiesº menu, is used in conjunction with the Accuracy procedures for com-
parison purposes. Procedures reserved for service use are available through the ªService
Testsº menu, which is a subset of the ªUtilitiesº menu.
This calibration uses the X-axis to correct for tolerances in x-axis components that are used to
measure media length during media loading. Perform this calibration if the hardclip margins
are not within the 2 mm specification.
Sheet Length Calibration is accessible through the ªService Testsº menu. To perform the
sheet length calibration, do the following:
1. Press Enter at the ªStatusº display.
2. Use the arrow buttons to scroll to the ªUtilitiesº main menu. Press Enter. Either the
Short or Full menu mode will access the ªService Testº submenu.
3. Simultaneously press the Enter and the Up Arrow buttons to access the ªService
Testº submenu.
4. Scroll to the ªSheet Length Calibº submenu. Press Enter.
5. Messages in the plotter display will inform you to load cut-sheet media in a land-
scape orientation. Any standard size or type of media may be used.
6. The plotter will scan across the media, accurately locating the media edges.
7. The sheet must then be removed, rotated 90, and reloaded into the plotter.
8. The media edges are again scanned and the calibration is completed.
9. Check the margins by measuring the hardclip limit borders on the Configuration