HP (Hewlett-Packard) 650c Printer User Manual

address The address specifies the plotter’s
location on the HP-IB (IEEE-488) interface
cable (bus).
ASCII American Standard Code for
Information Interchange. An 8-bit code that
uses 7 bits to represent character data such as
letters, punctuation, symbols, and control
characters. Bit 8 can be used for parity.
baud rate For an RS-232-C interface, the
data transmission rate between a computer
and a peripheral (bits per second).
(1) A set of bits that represents the
graphic image of an original document in
memory. (2) A set of bits that represents the
positions and states of a corresponding set of
items, such as pixels. In QuickDraw, a pointer
to a bit image, the row width of that image,
and its boundary rectangle. Used by the
Macintosh to construct graphic images and
buffer A part or parts of computer or device
memory where data is held until it can be
processed. Usually refers to a memory area
reserved for I/O operations.
bus Short for HP-IB (IEEE-488) interface.
byte Eight bits; the size of a computer word.
Used by ASCII binary code to represent
alphanumeric characters.
Centronics A parallel interface standard.
cockle Wrinkling of media due to ink
configuration The way in which computer
equipment and software is interconnected and
set up to operate as a system.
continuous memoryPlotter memory which
stores certain plotter conditions even when the
plotter is turned off.
data communicationThe exchange of data
between devices.
default A value or condition that is assumed
if no other value or condition is specified.
device-control instructionThe portion of
the plotter’s instruction set that controls
internal plotter conditions such as buffer size,
input/ output conditions, RS-232-C interface
conditions and handshakes.
dpi Dots per inch, the plotter’s resolution of
raster images on the media.
driver Configuration data used by software
to control input and output between the
computer and a peripheral device (e.g., a
handshake RS-232-C communication
between a computer and the plotter about the
availability of I/O buffer space. A handshake
ensures correct and complete data transfer.
HP-GL/2 Hewlett-Packard’s standard
graphics language for its plotters.
HP-IB Short for Hewlett-Packard Interface
bus. Hewlett-Packard’s version of IEEE
Standard 488-1978 for interfacing
programmable devices (e.g., computers,
plotters, and printers).