HP (Hewlett-Packard) 650c Printer User Manual

3-24 Installation and Configuration
Message Action
Special Media
Mono Media
Press Up Arrow for Color plotting on Special (CX) paper.
Press Down Arrow for Monochrome plotting.
Calibrate done
Accuracy calibration is complete. Press Down Arrow to continue.
Can’t replot
Resend plot
Replot buffer doesn’t have enough memory to hold the entire plot. Re-
send the plot.
Close roll cover
Rewind the media to take up any slack in the roll, close the roll cover,
then press Down Arrow to continue.
Create plot
Measure plot
Press Up Arrow to create a calibration plot.
Press Down Arrow to measure a calibration plot.
Lift lever Lift the media lever at the right of the plotter.
Load arrow edge
print side down
Remove accuracy calibration plot, turn it so that the edge with arrows
printed on it is print side down, then load that edge into the plotter.
Load cancelled
Remove media
You pressed the Cancel button while media loading was in progress.
Remove media.
Load media
to align pens
Load media to proceed with pen alignment.
Lower lever
after aligning
When you’ve finished aligning the roll media as instructed, lower the
media lever at the right of the plotter.
Lower window
to continue
You have lifted the window while the processor is busy. Close the win-
dow to continue.
Open window to
access pens
Lift the window to access the pens.
Pen alignment
Close window
Close the window to proceed with pen alignment.
Power OFF
Check Pen Path
Y-Axis servo shutdown. Troubleshoot and repair.
Power OFF
Check Paper Path
X-Axis servo shutdown. Troubleshoot and repair.