HP (Hewlett-Packard) 650c Printer User Manual

3-9Installation and Configuration
Figure 3-5.
Cutting Track
Trimming the Leading Edge of the Media
(C) C2847-7(UM)
Figure 3-6.
Align Media with
Perforation Line
Insert Media Until
it Buckles Evenly
Loading the Leading Edge of the Media
(C) C2847-15(UM)
10. When the front panel displays ªSheet load/Roll load,º press the Down Arrow
button to select ªRoll load.º
11. When the front panel displays ªSELECT MEDIA,º press the Up or Down Arrow
button to scroll through and select the media choice. Press the Enter button to set the
plotter for the media type being used. The plotter will now load the roll of media.
12. When indicated on the front panel, raise the pinchwheel lever to the up position.
13. When ªPull
/ Align edges to rollº is displayed on the front panel, pull the left
and right edges of the roll toward you until taut. Then align the left and right edges of