This g lossary defines terms used in this guide or related to this product. It is not a
comprehensive glossar y of computer terms.
alias server A fabric software facility that supports multicast group
API Application programming interface. A defined protocol that
allows applications to interface with a set of services.
arbitrated loop A shared 100 Mb/s Fibre Channel transport structured as
aloop. Cansupportupto126devicesandonefabric
attachment. See also public device, public loop.
backup FCS switch Backup fabric configur ation server sw itch. The switch or
switches assigned as backup in case the primary FCS switch
bandwidth The total transmission capacity of a cable, link, or system.
Usually measured in bits per second (b/s). May also refer to
the range of transmission frequencies available to a link or
broadcast The transmission of data from a single source to all devices in
the fabric, r egardless of zoning.
flow control
Management of the frame transmission rate in either a
point-to-point topology or an arbitrated loop. See also
arbitrated loop, point-to-point, topology.
CLI Command line interface. Interface that depends entirely on the
use of commands, such as through telnet or SNMP, and d oes
not involve a GUI.
configuration The way a system is set up. May refer to hardware or software:
• Hardware: The number, type, and arrangement of
components that ma ke up a system or
• Software: The set of parameters that guide switch operation.
May include general system param eters, IP address
information, domain ID, and other information. Modifiable
by any login with administrativ
e privileges. May also refer
to a set of zones.
SAN Switch installation guide