held jobs do not print 294
incorrect characters print 296
incorrect margins on prints 304
jammed pages are not
reprinted 292
job prints from wrong tray 296
job prints on wrong paper 296
jobs do not print 299
Large jobs do not collate 297
multiple‑language PDF files do not
print 297
paper curl 305
paper frequently jams 293
print job takes longer than
expected 298
tray linking does not work 300
unexpected page breaks
occur 300
printer 45
basic model 11
connecting to an outlet 10
fully configured 11
minimum clearances 10
moving 10, 237
selecting a location 10
shipping 238
printer configurations 11
printer control panel
adjusting brightness 200
indicator light 15
Sleep button light 15
Printer had to restart. Last job may
be incomplete. 280
printer hard disk
disposing of 202
encrypting 204
removing 36
printer hard disk encryption 204
printer hard disk memory
erasing 203
printer information
where to find 9
printer IP address
finding 20
printer is printing blank pages 306
printer messages
[x] maintenance kit very low
[80.xy] 278
[x]‑page jam, clear manual feeder.
[200.xx] 245
[x]‑page jam, detach the
3000‑sheet tray and open door
F. [24y.xx] 252
[x]‑page jam, open door C and
clear all jammed media.
[2yy.xx] 245
[x]‑page jam, open door D and
clear all jammed media.
[24y.xx] 249
[x]‑page jam, open door H and
rotate knob H6 clockwise. Leave
paper in bin. [426.xx–
428.xx] 264
[x]‑page jam, open doors G, H, and
J and clear jammed paper. Leave
paper in bin. [400–402] 255
[x]‑page jam, press latch at area E
to open ADF’s top cover.
[28y.xx] 269
[x]‑page jam, press latch to access
area G and clear jammed
staples. Leave paper in bin.
[402.93] 261
[x]‑page jam, press latch to access
area G. Leave paper in bin.
[40y.xx] 258
[x]‑page jam, slide the 3000‑sheet
tray and open door C.
[2yy.xx] 247
[x]‑page jam, slide the 3000‑sheet
tray and open door D.
[24y.xx] 251
Cartridge low [88.xy] 271
Cartridge nearly low [88.xy] 271
Cartridge very low [88.xy] 271
Change [paper source] to [custom
string] load [orientation] 271
Change [paper source] to [custom
type name] load
[orientation] 271
Change [paper source] to [paper
size] load [orientation] 271
Change [paper source] to [paper
type] [paper size] load
[orientation] 272
Close door [x] 272
Complex page, some data may not
have printed [39] 272
Configuration change, some held
jobs were not restored [57] 272
Defective flash detected [51] 272
Disk full [62] 273
Disk full, scan job canceled 273
Disk must be formatted for use in
this device 273
Disk near full. Securely clearing
disk space. 273
Empty the hole punch box 273
Error reading USB drive. Remove
USB. 273
Error reading USB hub. Remove
hub. 273
Fax memory full 274
Fax partition inoperative. Contact
system administrator. 274
Fax server 'To Format' not set up.
Contact system
administrator. 274
Fax Station Name not set up.
Contact system
administrator. 274
Fax Station Number not set up.
Contact system
administrator. 274
Incorrect paper size, open [paper
source] [34] 274
Insert hole punch box 275
Insert Tray [x] 275
Insufficient memory for Flash
Memory Defragment operation
[37] 275
Insufficient memory to collate job
[37] 275
Insufficient memory to support
Resource Save feature [35] 275
Insufficient memory, some Held
Jobs were deleted [37] 275
Insufficient memory, some held
jobs will not be restored
[37] 275
Insufficient space between paper
stacks in Tray 3 275
Load [paper source] with [custom
string] [paper orientation] 276
Load [paper source] with [custom
type name [paper
orientation] 276
Load [paper source] with [paper
size] [paper orientation] 276
Load [paper source] with [paper
type] [paper size] [paper
orientation] 276
Index 359