Select the content
Select the content
Content defines what kind of original is being copied. One of the content features is always selected.
The current selection is indicated by one of the three content lights being on.
Feature Description
text Original document is composed entirely of text, simple line-art graphics, or
a combination of both. This choice is the default.
The highest possible scan speed is used. Copies are black and white only,
even if the original is color.
mixed Original document contains a mix of both text and graphics.
If both the scanner and printer are color-capable, this choice produces
color copies.
photo Original document contains extremely fine details and graphics. Use with
actual photographs or similar high quality images.
If both the scanner and printer are color-capable, this choice produces
color copies. The highest scan resolution is used.
mixed mono
(only available with
color scanner/color
Original document contains a mix of both text and graphics.
Copies are black-and-white only, even if the original is color.
mixed image
(only available with
some color
Original document has a mix of both text and graphics, but image quality
is the highest priority.
If both the scanner and printer are color-capable, this choice produces
color copies.
photo mono
(only available with
color scanner/color
Select if your original is an actual photograph or similar high quality image.
Copies are black and white only, even if the original is color. The highest
resolution is used.