Scanning to PC
Scanning to PC
Create a scan profile
A scan profile includes all the necessary information about your originals and presets the MFP
control panel to those settings. Lexmark™ ScanBack™ Utility is an easy way to create Scan to PC
profiles. You can also browse to the IP address of the MFP to create Scan to PC or Scan to e-mail
Use ScanBack utility
The ScanBack Utility is shipped on the MFP CD.
Step 1: Set up your Scan to PC profile
1 Launch the ScanBack Utility. If you installed the software using the default directories, click
Start, Programs, Lexmark, MFP, and then ScanBack Utility.
2 Select the MFP you want to use. If none are listed, see your systems person to obtain a list,
or click the Setup button to manually search for an IP address or hostname. You must select
at least one MFP to continue creating a profile.
3 Follow the instructions on the screens to define the type of document being scanned and
what kind of output you want to create. Available settings are determined by the capabilities
of the MFP you select.
4 Make sure to check:
• Show MFP Instructions -- if you want to view or print the final directions
• Create Shortcut -- if you want to save this group of settings to use again
5 Click Finish. A dialog box displays your scan profile information and the status of the
received images.
Step 2: Scan your original documents
1 Locate the MFP you specified in the scan profile.
2 Load all pages in the automatic document feeder of the scanner. Place the pages according
to the drawing on the scanner.