
SuperSign Server
• When you compose an emergency message, if you enter a large amount of text at once,
the text may not be displayed on the Internet Explorer temporarily.
• The length of an emergency message is limited to 1024 bytes and the length limit may dif-
ferent depending on the language.
• The play time of an emergency message cannot be set to 0 day, 0 hour, 0 minute, and 0
second. If it is 0 day, 0 hour, 0 minute and 0 second, the play time is automatically set to 30
No. Name Function
Player list
Displays a list of players to which an urgent message is sent.
Summary Displays the player name, IP address, player type (portrait, land-
scape) and resolution.
Font Property Font,size,color,align(left,justied,right,)style(bold,italic,
underline,) line space, and spacing.
Text scroll Sets the text, scroll direction (left/right/up/down/no effect), and
scroll speed
Message box
Message to send to players.
Preview Allows the user to check the screen position where a message will
be displayed
Message Area Sets the background color of the area where the urgent message
is displayed, arrangement of the message (top, middle, bottom)
and transparency.
Play Time
Sets the duration that the message is displayed.
2 Select a player group you want to send a message to in the Player List.
3 Select a player to send the message to in the player details list, and click the [Next] button.
• To send the message to multiple players at once, click the checkbox before the player list.
4 Compose a message you want to send and click the [Next] button.