SuperSign Server
2 Select a log category you want at the top.
• The Log report window appears for the selected category.
3 Select a period to view the log in the top side of the window.
• Eventdetailscreatedduringthespeciedperiodaredisplayed.
4 To close the Log report window, click the [Close] button or the [X] button at the top left of the
You can view user information or modify user account details except the User ID and role.
1 Click in the top right corner of the screen.
• The Setup window appears.
2 Click the Prole tab.
• WhentheProlepop-upwindowappears,youcanviewormodifytheuserinformation.
3 To modify the account details, select an item you want to modify and make changes.
4 To save the changes, click the [Apply] button.
5 To close the Setup window, click the [X] icon in the top right corner of the screen.
No. Name Function
Action buttons •[Refresh]: Reload the log.
•[Close]: Close the Log Report window.