SuperSign Server
• What is a zone? A SuperSign Manager Zone is an area on the canvas in which the media or
a layer is placed while the content is being edited. You can create a zone by combining dif-
ferent types of media items and creating an ad by including another zone or zones (a zone
can accommodate only one type of media).
Because each zone is a separate area, it has its own properties and can be easily deleted
or inserted. Also, ad content is easily created by dragging and dropping on to the canvas.
• Only media with a single property can be added to a zone.
• ForOfceles,closetheOfceprogrambeforepreview.
• Ofcelesorwebpagesmaynotbedisplayedintheeditorder(Z-order).
• WhenusinganSWFle,youcandorepeatplaywhentheleisconguredtodoso.
• Somespecialcharacterscannotbeusedincontentlenames.(^,|,\,<,>,?,/,‘,“,*,;,:,%)
• The maximum number of zones that can be created in the canvas varies depending on the
type of zone:
- Photo zone: up to 20
- Music zone: up to 4 (Maximum 1 for monitor or TV)
- Text zone: up to 20
- Video zone: up to 4 (Maximum 1 for monitor or TV)
- Flash zone: up to 20
- Web or Widget zone: up to 4
- Ofcezone:upto4
- PDF zone: up to 10
• The monitor or TV player cannot have both a music zone and a video zone within the same
• Videothumbnailsarerandomlyextractedfromtherstfewsecondsofplayback.
• Ifavideofailstoupload,see131Page,"UniedCodecs"andmakesurethatarequiredcodec
is installed.
• Services (RSS, websites, RSS, etc.) and text cannot be copied.
• ThemonitororTVplayersupportsonlyalimitedimagesizeandofceareawhenplayed
• The TV player does not support volume control for music and video zones.
The content is
played at the volume level of the TV which is set by the user.
1 Drag-and-dropamedialeaddedtothelibrary,ontotheCanvas.
• The media is placed on to the Canvas with its area created automatically. You can
change the size and location of the new area.
• InthePCEditor,drag-and-droppingamediale,selectedfromtheWindowsExploreronto
the Canvas, automatically creates its media zone.