SuperSign Player
1 In the SuperSign Player menu click, Network > Server IP setting.
2 Select the server IP setting mode you want.
3 If you select Manual setting, enter an IP address you require.
• If you select Auto setting, you can search for a player to connect it.
4 Click the [Connection] button.
Network Connection Message
Menu Description
Auto setting The SuperSign Manager searches for a player to connect it.
Manual setting YoucanassignaspecicIPaddressfortheserver.
Menu Description
It is not a valid IP
Please check IP ad-
dress and try again.
Waiting for approval Waiting for an administrator’s approval to connect.
Approval denied The connection has been rejected by an administrator.
Connecting Attempting to connect to server.
Connected Connection successful.
ID or password is
The ID and password are not the same as the ID and password regis-
tered on the server.
You cannot currently
access the server.
Please try again later.
Please check, the server status, server’s IP address and network status
and try again.
• Only the IPv4 is supported for setting the player and server’s IP address.