SuperSign Server
Advanced Command line
The Advanced Command line menu located in the general tab of display allows you to remotely
control the LG Electronics monitor or TV.
1 Enter the RS232C control command supported by the connected monitor or TV, along with the
set ID and click the OK button.
• The control command does not work if the set ID is invalid.
• TondoutwhichMonitororTVandcontrolcommandsaresupportedbySuperSign,see
the appendix. Monitor or TV Models Supported by SuperSign.
• The RS232C control command is dependent on the type of Monitor or TV; see the RS232C
protocol in the user’s Monitor or TV manual.
• When controlling a monitor individually, enter the same set ID as the one set for the moni-
• Advanced Command line does not work if the set ID you entered is invalid.
• When controlling a group of monitors, select the group and enter “00” for the set ID in the
Advanced Command line box. In this case, no acknowledgement is returned.