SuperSign Server
Dashboard Settings
You can add or delete dashboard categories, and re-order them according to your own prefer-
Adding Categories
1 Click the [+Add] button at the center of the Home screen.
• The dashboard appears.
2 Click the checkbox next to the category you want to add.
• The dashboard category you selected is shown with a check mark.
Item Function
System Summary Displays the system summary (number of media items, messages, playl-
ists, and players).
Approval status •Displays the number of content, schedule and distribution that are
approved or pending approval.
•Goes to the details page when the user clicks the information.
Error Status list •Displays a list of errors.
•Goes to the details page when the user clicks the information.
Last updated Con-
•Displays a list of schedules recently updated.
•Goes to the details page when the user clicks the information.
Notice board •Display the list of notices
•An administrator can write/edit/delete a notice
•Anyone can write a notice regardless of privilege
•A user can edit/delete his/her own notice
Last edited player Displays a list of players recently updated.
Goes to the details page when the user clicks on the information.
Last edited sched-
Displays a list of schedules recently updated.
Goes to the details page when the user clicks on the information.
Last edited user Displays a list of user accounts recently updated.
Goes to the details page when the user clicks on the information.
• TheApprovalStatus,NoticeBoardandLastModiedUseritemsareonlyavailableinthe
SuperSign W and SuperSign V. To access these functions, Please purchase SuperSign W
or SuperSign V.